14th Symposium on Polar Science
The 14th Symposium on Polar Science hosted by the National Institute of Polar Research (NIPR), Tokyo, Japan, will be held from 14 to 17 November 2023. The NIPR is organizing this annual symposium to present and promote a wide variety of polar scientific research and interdisciplinary studies. We look forward to your active participation.
Symposium schedule:
14 – 17 November 2023
Style and language for presentation:
The Local Organizing Committee (LOC) will make decisions for style of presentation.
This symposium will be held in person. In other words, participants will be expected to attend at the actual venue. However, depending on the session, there is a possibility of hybrid hosting, so please check for future announcements. Language is English as a rule.
Outline of the sessions and important dates:
To be announced. Submission of abstracts will be in September.
Outline of the sessions
Interdisciplinary sessions:
[IA] Arctic Research
[IW] Whole Atmosphere
Ordinary sessions:
[OA] Antarctic meteorites
[OB] Polar biology
[OG] Polar geosciences
[OM] Polar meteorology and glaciology
[OS] Space and upper atmospheric sciences
Important dates
July: Session schedule will be announced.
9 August: Registration and abstract submission open.
8 September: Abstract Submission finishes.
22 September: Notification of acceptance for the Abstract Submissions.
At this time, the schedule of presentations will be notified.
30 October: Release of detailed programs on the web.
6 November: Release of abstracts on the web.
14-17 November: The 14th Symposium on Polar Science at NIPR
Shuji Fujita
Tel: +81-42-512-0679
National Institute of Polar Research
10-3 Midori-cho, Tachikawa, Tokyo 190-8518, Japan
E-mail: polarsympo@nipr.ac.jp
URL: https://www.nipr.ac.jp/symposium2023