19th Workshop on Antarctic Meteorology and Climate/8th YOPP-SH Meeting
The 19th Workshop on Antarctic Meteorology and Climate (WAMC) (June 10-12, 2024)
The 8th Year of Polar Prediction in the Southern Hemisphere (YOPP-SH) Meeting (June 13-14, 2024)
Both will be held in a hybrid format (in person and virtual) at the Byrd Polar and Climate Center, The Ohio State University Columbus, OH, USA.
More information can be found at: https://polarmet.osu.edu/WAMC_2024/
Hotel arrangements are available, registration and other information will be available soon!
Important Deadlines
- Registration: Monday, May 6th, 2024
- Abstracts: Monday, May 6th, 2024
- Hotel reservation for group rates: Wednesday, May 8th, 2024
- Extended abstracts: Monday, May 20th, 2024
Registration fees:
In Person:
- WAMC – $100 ($50 Student)
- YOPP-SH – $50 ($25 Student)
- Both – $150 ($75 Student)
- WAMC – $50 ($25 Student)
- YOPP-SH – $25 ($25 Student)
- Both – $75 ($50 Student)
The 19th Workshop on Antarctic Meteorology and Climate (WAMC)
This workshop is organized annually by members of the WAMC Planning Committee from across the globe. The WAMC brings together those with research and operational/logistical interests in Antarctic meteorology and forecasting and related disciplines. As in the past, the annual activities and status of the Automatic Weather Station (AWS), Antarctic Mesoscale Prediction System (AMPS), and Antarctic Meteorological Research and Data Center (AMRDC) efforts will be addressed, and feedback and results from their user communities will be solicited. More broadly, this workshop also is a very active forum for current results and ideas in Antarctic meteorology and climate, numerical weather prediction, and weather forecasting, from contributors around the world. There will be discussions on the relationships among international efforts and Antarctic forecasting, logistical support, and science. This year’s meeting will have both in-person and virtual options.
The 8th Year of Polar Prediction in the Southern Hemisphere (YOPP-SH) Meeting
For the eighth YOPP-SH meeting, project investigators will provide status reports on research resulting from the YOPP winter Special Observing Period (SOP) in the Southern Hemisphere, April 15 to August 31, 2022. Emphasis will be on the intensive observation periods during the SOP known as Targeted Observing Periods (TOPs). The specific goal of the workshop is to move the research into refereed publications and in particular to decide whether a special section of the Journal of Geophysical Research-Atmospheres dedicated to TOP research findings is warranted. Again, in-person and online participation options will be available.