23rd Karthaus Summer School: Ice sheets and glaciers in the climate system

The fountain in the Karthaus town square
The Karthaus Summer School is course sponsored by:
- The Institute for Marine and Atmospheric Research, Utrecht University
- The Netherlands Earth System Science Centre
- &Trewitax – GlaciersAlive
- The International Glaciological Society (IGS)
- The Netherlands Polar Program (NWO-NPP)
- State and fate of Antarctica’s gatekeepers: a HIgh Resolution approach for Ice ShElf instability (HiRISE) (NWO-ENW)
Scope and Participation
The course is meant for Ph.D. students and provides a basic introduction to the dynamics of glaciers and ice sheets with a focus on ice-climate interactions.
Topics include: continuum mechanics, kinematics, ice rheology, sliding and hydraulics, numerical modelling, polar meteorology, ice-ocean interaction, ice cores, interaction of ice sheets with the solid earth, glacier fluctuations, etc.
Lectures will be given in the morning and exercises (including computer projects) in the afternoon. An excursion will be organised to nearby glaciers.
The standard registration fee is € 900. This covers lodging, full board, excursion and course material. The International Glaciological Society offers three fellowships to cover the registration for students that qualify but have difficulties to pay the fee (This requires a justification!).
Lecturers include
M. Bentley, T. Blunier, O. Eisen, I. Hewitt, N. Karlsson, B. Keisling, J. Oerlemans, F. Pattyn, R. Winkelman, C. Tijm-Reijmer.
Organising committee
Carleen Tijm-Reijmer (Utrecht University)
Ian Hewitt (University of Oxford)
Nanna Karlsson (Geological Survey of Denmark and Greenland)

Karthaus students making use of the good weather to work on their exercises
Covid-19 implications
Students should be aware that travel restrictions/quarantine requirements may be in effect, and any additional costs relating to this will not be covered by the Karthaus course!
In addition, students should also be aware that it is possible that the course needs to be cancelled last minute, and any costs relating to this will not be covered by the Karthaus course!
Apply for the course here : https://forms.gle/rRxoehfwoqd1gH8B9
The form also includes the application for the IGS support.
Deadline for applications is 15 January 2023
You will be notified about the decision of the organizing Committee by 1 March 2023
For more information contact C. Tijm-Reijmer (c.h.tijm-reijmer@uu.nl)
Or check the course website.
Karthaus course website
Convenor: Carleen H. Tijm-Reijmer