ArcticNet’s Annual Scientific Meeting: Advances in optical monitoring of Arctic/sub-Arctic marine environments
The Arctic is changing dramatically in response to global warming, highlighting the need for ongoing monitoring of the marine ecosystem. Optical measurements provide a cost-efficient, and often the only way to collect physical and biogeochemical data on the sea ice cover and water column across large spatial and temporal scales. Continual technological advances are leading to new applications in satellite and aerial remote sensing to study changes in surface properties. New submersible optical instruments attached to long-term mooring deployments and autonomous platforms are also providing new insights into the seasonal evolution and spatial variation of the marine ecosystem. We propose a session on optical measurements, simulations, and algorithm development to better understand light propagation and interactions in the Arctic Ocean. Studies based on remote sensing, in situ observations or modeling of radiative transfer and bio-optical relationships in sea ice and open water Arctic environments are invited.
Our session is meant to provide a discussion platform for the sea-ice and underwater optics as well as the remote sensing community to exchange new insights into optical applications in and measurements of the Arctic and sub-Arctic marine ecosystem. Studies using optical applications further south, but in still seasonally ice-covered waters such as the Gulf of St. Lawrence and the St. Lawrence River are also welcome.
Early bird registration for the first in-person ArcticNet Annual meeting starts on 10 August 2022.