IGS Nordic Branch meeting 2024

The next IGS Nordic branch meeting is co-arranged by the Icelandic Meteorological Office and the University of Iceland and held in person on 30 October and – 1 November 2024. The meeting will held at the Röst community centre (Félagsheimilið Röst) in the town of Hellissandur on the Snæfellsnes peninsula. We will be within sight of the famous glacier capped volcano Snæfellsjökull.
Snæfellsjökull is the entrance and starting point of the novel by Jules Verne ‘Journey to the Centre of the World‘
The Nordic Branch of the IGS meeting provides an opportunity for Nordic-based scientists and students in glaciology to present their latest results and projects.
The meeting will start at noon on Wednesday and end, also at noon, on Friday. There will then be a half day excursion combined with the return trip to Reykjavík.
Information regarding the meeting.
Oral presentations will be 12 minutes, with 3 additional minutes for questions and discussion, in total 15 minutes. Posters should be designed vertical (portrait) in size A0 (84.1 x 118.9cm).
More information about the 2024 meeting can be found on the meeting website
Registration is now closed
Online abstract submission is now closed
Abstract booklet is now available